
Best Field Upgrade Equipment in Call of Duty: MW3

Image Source: Miguel Lagoa @ Shutterstock

Field Upgrades are tools in Call of Duty: MW3 that players can use to gain an advantage. Below, we have chosen the top Field Upgrades that you should consider using in Multiplayer mode.

Best Field Upgrades in Call of Duty: MW3

Trophy System

The Trophy System destroys incoming projectiles and grenades, making it ideal for players defending objectives. It can protect the player and their teammates from a limited amount of lethal objects before deactivating.


The A.C.S. captures objectives slowly for the user and their team while also hacking nearby enemy devices. This Field Upgrade is highly recommended for capturing flags in modes like Domination while the player is not on the point.

Dead Silence

Dead Silence cancels out footstep noise for the player and adds the Ghost perk effects for its duration. It allows players to move silently, making it a great choice for getting the jump on the enemy team or defusing/planting the bomb in Search and Destroy.

Comm Scrambler

Comm Scrambler disables the enemy’s ability to activate killstreaks and masks the player and their teammates from UAV or radar-revealing elements. This is an excellent option for disabling killstreak use and hiding your team in any game mode.

Deployable Cover

The Deployable Cover is a ballistics cover that the player deploys in front of them. It works well for defending chokepoints and creating obstacles by blocking doorways.

Portable Radar

The Portable Radar pings enemies around its area of effect onto the minimap, providing valuable intel. Pairing it with someone using a comms scrambler allows for ultimate intel without the enemy knowing your location.

These are the best Field Upgrades in Call of Duty: MW3. If you want to learn more about the game, including our review of the single-player campaign, you can check out our Game Guide Hub here.

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