
Developers Of Content Warning Halt Expansion Mods For Multiplayer Lobbies

Image Source: IGN @ YouTube

Players who wanted to expand the number of players using mods in Content Warning are now unable to do so as the developers have taken action to remove them.

Content Warning, an indie survival-horror game that centers around perilous temptations for views, has gained significant popularity. As more players delve into the game, some have turned to mods to increase the limit of players in their multiplayer lobbies. However, the developers of Content Warning have swiftly intervened by disabling these mods. While this action may seem strict, there is a valid explanation behind it.

In Content Warning, players are allowed to engage in online gameplay with a maximum of 4 players in a lobby. However, with the game gaining more traction, several modders have joined in to enhance the gaming experience. One of the most popular mods focused on increasing the size of multiplayer lobbies. Instead of being limited to 4 players, mods such as Virality enabled lobbies to accommodate up to 12 players. Regrettably, these mods had to be shut down by Landfall, the game developer.

A report by DotESports revealed that a developer at Landfall, communicating with a modder named Max on the Content Warning Discord, disclosed that the mods were causing servers’ file sizes to expand. Consequently, an increase in these file sizes would lead to Steam potentially charging Landfall more to cover the additional file traffic expenses. This could trigger a chain reaction resulting in exorbitant fees, hence the decision to disable the mods.

It is evident that the decision is based on logical reasons rather than malice. It is recommended to respect the developers’ decision and refrain from creating any additional multiplayer lobby expansion mods. Continued production of such mods may prompt Steam to impose additional fees, which would be unfair to Landfall. Hence, players are advised to adjust to the default four-player lobby setup for now. Fortunately, other mods for the game remain unaffected. For details on these mods, refer to our Mods Guide for Content Warning.

Could Content Warning Expand Multiplayer Lobbies in the Future?

Given the popularity of the mods and the response to their removal, there is a possibility of an official update to expand lobbies in the future, especially since Landfall is actively enhancing the game. However, no official confirmation has been made yet, and players will have to wait and see how Content Warning progresses.

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