
Leak Unveils Possible Player Discontent with Fortnite’s Future Update Rollout

Fans of Fortnite are buzzing with anticipation as the game’s Chapter 5, Season 3 rolls on, scheduled to continue until August. A major highlight on the immediate horizon is the greatly awaited summer event set to begin next week. Yet, a disclosed source indicates that the Fortnite updates schedule stretching to October may result in a content drought that could lead to player dissatisfaction.

Prior to exploring the forthcoming update strategy, note that the game’s servers will be undergoing maintenance this Thursday. Epic Games recently released a major update that earned accolades from the gaming community, further teasing upcoming features for Season 4—including a buzzworthy MARVEL team-up hypothesis.

Although the debut of Season 4 is on everyone’s mind, attention is now focused on the imminent Summer Update, which will be followed by a notable pause in sweeping update releases.

Fortnite’s Planned Update Calendar for 2024

Here’s the proposed Fortnite update timeline from today until October 2024:

  • v30.20: June 25th
  • v30.30: July 23rd
  • v30.40: August 6th
  • SEASON 4: August 16th
  • v31.10: September 4th
  • v31.20: September 17th
  • v31.30: October 1st
  • v31.40: October 15th

The schedule is courtesy of ShiinaBR, who claims it to be “100% precise.” Yet, it’s worth keeping in mind that alterations are possible if Epic Games finds it necessary to delay any updates.

Players can look forward to the summer event on June 25th, which promises a variety of incentives and terrain updates to the game’s landscape, all previewed before the event to prime players. Despite the excitement, there’s chatter about a lackluster interval without key updates from June 25th through July 23rd.

After Hypex’s disclosure of the 28-day gap between updates, the community braces for the aftermath, remembering the previous summer’s lack of excitement. The upcoming update bears the responsibility of packing in enough content—through rewards, assignments, and creative changes—to keep interests piqued through the inactive stretch.

Some reprieve is anticipated post-July 23rd, with the plan promising a more consistent delivery of significant updates twice a month. With Season 4’s launch set for August, a fresh leak teases an intriguing new superhero skin that brings with it an innovative gameplay dynamic.

Eager for the latest Fortnite news? We’ve got more for you, including insights on covert missions that offer an easy way to rack up XP this season.

Image Source: Julio Ricco / Shutterstock

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